Home Business Top Reasons to Choose IT Staff Augmentation Services

Top Reasons to Choose IT Staff Augmentation Services

Top Reasons To Choose

With the advancement of technology, our lives are getting better and more effortless. In addition, there is no room for compromise regarding Information Technology (IT). IT staff augmentation covers everything from hiring programmers and business intelligence specialists to providing prompt service and keeping customers for a long time.

If we discuss in simple words, IT staff augmentation refers to the need for a sufficient number of workers to complete projects when a sector-based agency is confronted with demands from customers or clients.

However, it’s a big deal to find the right professionals, evaluate their skills, and hire them internally. And this is where the term “outsourcing” comes in handy. As a result, IT staff expansion brings new expertise into the company to complete client tasks. So, today in this blog, we have covered detailed information on the same. But, before proceeding further, let’s go through the types of IT staff augmentation first.

Let’s get started!

Types Of IT Staff Augmentation Model

Let us discuss the 3 most well-known types of IT staff augmentation models.

1)   B-O-T Model

The B-O-T (build-operate-transfer) model is a type of integrated partnership that combines operations and maintenance with design and construction responsibilities. In the “build” stage, you can create an offshore team and test them in the “operate” stage.

The BOT model makes it easier to test before you hire. It grants access to the most recent technologies and thus enables faster scaling.

2)   Team Augmentation

Team Augmentation is a type of plug-and-play engagement model that enables you to hire app developers in India that immediately contribute value. It evaluates the requirements of the clients and provides expertise through the appropriate application of various development tools.

The Team Augmentation model uses the advantages of simple hiring, trial tasks, meetings and time sheets. It uses cutting-edge techniques and tools to boost the client’s IT efficiency.

3)   Fixed-Scope Augmentation

This model, as the name suggests, requires that the project’s scope be established at the early stage. Both parties are familiar with the specifics of the pricing and timeline. The fixed costs allow changes in the project after the agreement. A comprehensive project plan is required for this model. Fixed-scope augmentation is highly recommended for your short-term projects.

Top Reasons to Choose IT Staff Augmentation Services

The top convincing reasons to choose IT Staff Augmentation services are:

1)   It Saves Costs

First, IT staff augmentation lets you hire a professional when you need one without having to commit to long-term relationships. Contractors are only compensated for the time they put in. You can save a lot of money and time on recruiting, various employee benefits, taxes etc. Second, because augmentation employees are chosen for their expertise in a particular field, you can save money on training.

2)   Hire For Specific Skills

Short-term projects are ideal for temporary employees who only need to work a certain number of hours. Businesses can use IT staff augmentation services to fill specific skill gaps. You can hire dedicated developers India with skills and talent for your project for a fraction of the cost of hiring a salaried expert for full-time work.

3)   Retain Control

Despite the fact that IT staff augmentation is a type of outsourcing, it lets businesses keep control of the skills and experience they need from temporary IT staff.

The primary advantage of this is that businesses can track the progress of their temporary hires because they will likely be working alongside full-time employees. This additionally eliminates different disadvantages of fully outsourcing the tasks to outer teams.

Companies can, for instance, use IT staff augmentation to maintain project confidentiality and make real-time recommendations for the project.

4)   More Scalability

IT Staff augmentation services greatly enhance your organization’s scalability. You can take on projects of any size and never turn down requests from your clients. With IT staff augmentation, you can adjust your workforce to meet changing needs. Additionally, it enables you to diversify your services and offer high-quality solutions by utilizing the expertise of the temporary IT staff.

5)   Prevents Attrition

The need for IT staff augmentation is frequently required as a result of unexpected attrition. Businesses can avoid stagnation in crucial project management and delivery times because of IT staff augmentation. Reports show that in the situation of economic growth, up to 40% of IT workers are searching for swift job changes. IT Staff augmentation could be the ideal solution for both parties because professionals could put their skills and expertise to better use in a larger context and businesses could always be adequately staffed.

6)  Get Unbiased Viewpoints

A company with ongoing projects may benefit from the “outsider’s” perspective that temporary employees can bring to the table. A new point of view set can spot and suggest changes to projects or procedures that permanent employees may not be aware of because they are too involved in their work. This external, more objective voice may bring more ideas to the workplace and boost productivity.

Moreover, compared to full-time onboarding, temporary employees who work on a project-by-project basis are much less likely to get involved in office politics. IT Staff augmentation is the new standard for short-term talent acquisition and is a cost-effective option.

5 Things to Consider Before Choosing IT Staff Augmentation Services

IT Staff Augmentation has proved to be the best decision for many businesses. However, to produce great ROIs by using IT Staff Augmentation, it is important to follow some best augmentation practices:

1)   Set The Expectations From The Beginning

Projects may suffer due to unclear expectations by the businesses. However, it is crucial to establish clear expectations right from the early stage.

So, it is necessary to establish a means of communication through which ideas can be shared, progress can be evaluated, and the right steps can be taken regarding IT staff augmentation.

2)   Set Up Communication Channels And Etiquette

The business may be hesitant to hire more people because of poor communication. In the absence of effective communication, the task will not be completed successfully, and there will be a lack of clarity throughout the project’s development.

As a result, effective communication is essential from the outset. Moreover,  creating a robust communication channel is necessary for this. In addition, the right tools are needed for IT  staff expansion to produce the desired outcomes.

3)   Establish Reporting Matrix/Environment

While outsourcing, one of the most common setbacks is that things get lost in the plan. Throughout the plan, there ought to be a proper way for things to work. Such responsibilities can be easily handled by a reporting or escalation matrix.

The escalation matrix is a road map designed to produce effective results, whereas the reporting matrix is an organizational structure in which reports are presented to the manager.

The definition and reporting of the business goals are guaranteed by establishing a reporting matrix.

4)   Standardized Performance Measurement

There can be a lot of issues in hiring a third party for your daily operations. It is almost difficult to track the activities in the case of remote employees. There is a high chance that they are not working up to your expected standards.    

To avoid such circumstances, it is suggested to set up performance measurement mechanisms to track the activities of your augmented workforce. This way you can ensure the best returns on every dollar you spent on IT staff augmentation. 

5)   Understand The Cost Involved With IT Staff Augmentation

Businesses can save a lot of money by choosing IT staff augmentation services. But if not done carefully and properly, then it can prove to be an expensive mistake.

Understanding the nature and factors of IT staff augmentation is very important. You need to make a list with the total number of employees and their hourly pay rates. By doing this you will get a clear picture of the total costs of your project.

You will be able to make better decisions about the project if you know how the costs are broken down. IT Staff augmentation can be beneficial for a number of reasons, but not every business should use it. IT Staff augmentation is the best option when you need highly skilled workers quickly but don’t have enough money to spend on it.


These days IT Staff augmentation is the best alternative model of staffing. Companies can save a good amount of money simply by hiring temporary IT staff based on a particular project.

Moreover, you can also easily keep an eye on the work progress of these individuals. You cannot enjoy this feature of IT staff augmentation in the case of freelance or outsourcing options.

IT Staff Augmentation is the best way to hire the right man for the job without spending much of your money. If you are also thinking of IT staff augmentation services, then it would be best to get in touch with top IT staff augmentation companies to hire the best professionals for your next project.