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How can a wife support and assist her husband? Defining the role of women in marriage can be very complicated. why?

 The main reason, and the most obvious, is that many women listen to the opinions reported in the media instead of studying the Scriptures to find out what God has declared. 

The wife should not use public opinion as a criterion to guide her life and her marriage.

These women think that their behavior is better than God’s design.

However, if you seek God’s opinion on this issue and ask Him to transform you into the woman He wants you to be, you will experience the joy He has promised you. Therefore, consider what God says about your role as a wife.

How does God want you to fulfill your responsibility?

1. Acknowledge your calling. 

If you are to be your husband’s support, as God designed, you must first understand his divine calling on your life. 

“Then Jehovah God said, ‘It is not good that the man should be alone:

​​I will make him a help meet for him’” ( Genesis 2:18 KJV). The word help means a person who supports another. Therefore, the woman was created because the man needed the support of someone to assist him with his responsibilities.

Now, if you’re thinking, I find it demeaning to be no more than a help, then consider this: The idea that the wife is a help to the husband doesn’t demean her at all. 

The same word help is used in reference to the Lord. David said of God: “the victims trust in you; you are the help of the fatherless” (Psalm 10:14 NIV).

Paul also called the Holy Spirit our Help, “So we can confidently say: the Lord is my helper” (Hebrews 13:6) So, since the Lord wanted to help us in every way, He created the woman to support and help the man.

Also, notice that God created a help meet. The word suitable means appropriate or the equivalent part that matches. 

The idea is like a pair of gloves or shoes that have a pair that is different but equivalent and with which they match. 

Just like the right glove cannot be worn on the left hand or vice versa, men and women are different but they complement each other and are even. 

The right-hand glove was not created for the left hand. Likewise, a woman is not the same as a man, but she is her partner; and that enables the couple to work together.Both Adam and Eve were created for a determined and divine purpose.

Are you your husband’s partner? 

Knowing that God has designed a plan for you as a wife, are you willing to acquiesce and assent to his desire? 

Are you willing to be your husband’s ideal support and help? 

The reason I’m asking this question is that I’ve talked to some wives who don’t want to be the help, they want to be the head. If you are trying to be the head, you will not be able to be your husband’s help. why? Because if you insist on being the head, you will create conflict and tension between you. 

This is the first decision you have to make, do you really want to be a wife who supports and helps her husband?

2. Become a virtuous wife. 

The next step in becoming your husband’s helper is to become a virtuous woman of excellent moral character. 

Solomon instructed: “ A virtuous woman is the crown of her husband de Ella, But the one who shames him is like rottenness in her bones de Ella” (Proverbs 12:4). 

What is a virtuous wife? 

If you want to be the best possible help and support for your husband, you need the godly character and moral strength that can only come through a personal relationship with the Lord. 

The prophet Habakkuk indicated that God gave him moral strength in the midst of his afflictions from him: “The Lord GOD is my strength; He has made my feet like those of hinds, and he makes me walk on the heights” (Habakkuk 3:19). The word strength in this verse is the same Hebrew word that is also translated virtuous.

Do you have an intimate relationship with the Lord so that you can draw close to Him and receive His strength and virtue in the midst of your battles? 

To rejoice in the role of your husband’s partner,

you must accept the call to be his helper and you will perceive the power of God in your life. 

I want to encourage you with the words of Solomon: “Grace is deceitful and beauty is vain, but the woman who fears the LORD, she will be praised” (Proverbs 31:30). 

If you worship the Lord in your life, you will receive the strength necessary to be the help God has called you to be. jay hickmen

